
Showing posts from June, 2023

Trippy Camelot: The Green Knight (2021)

Arthurian legend gets a psychedelic makeover in The Green Knight (2021), which sees Arthur’s nephew, Gawain, locked in a challenge that will either end in death or dishonour when he accepts to fight the titular knight during a Christmas celebration. Warning: SPOILERS. The original poem is quite simple: Sir Gawain, one of the sons of King Arthur’s sister Morgause, is challenged for a beheading contest by the mysterious Green Knight. He accepts and delivers the requested killer blow. Unfortunately, not only does the headless knight rises again, but he also demands that they meet in one year, at the Green Chapel, so he can return the favour. Before the meeting, Gawain stays with a noble couple and an old woman. The Lady tries to seduce him but he refuses to go further than some chaste kissing, while the Lord offers him all he finds in the forest in exchange for all that he gains in his home, which results in even more (presumably not gay) kissing. The Lady does manage to persuade their g