
Showing posts from August, 2024

Book Review: We Are the Dead (The Last War Book 1)

I decided to take a break from Horror and Weird Fiction with the Dark Fantasy of We Are the Dead by Mike Shackle , which is the first book in a trilogy called The Last War. I reviewed it on social media as I was reading and now that I finished it, I’ll be reviewing the book as a whole. Warning: SPOILERS . Social Media Reviews : Twitter | Bluesky | Threads (each review has a different quote, so you might want to check them out) OVERVIEW After a devastating attack, Jia is conquered by their old enemy, the Egril. Their new rulers seem invincible, with powerful magic and deadly armies. They’re also brutal, arresting and executing people at the slightest provocation. The chance of Jia becoming free is small, but there’s hope and people are going to have to choose how much they’re willing to sacrifice for it. The Egril have always hated us. Generations ago, they loathed us for our magic. They thought we were like Gods, and this they could not allow. The chapters are split by POV, so you

Werewolves of the Third Reich (2017)

We’ve recently watched Malnazidos / Valley of the Dead (2020), a Spanish horror comedy that sees fascist soldiers and Left-wing rebels team up against Nazi-created zombies during the civil war. Even though there are enough reviews of Andrew Jones’s movies on this blog that we should’ve known better, we decided to follow it with Werewolves of the Third Reich (2017). Needless to say, we deeply regret it. Also, SPOILERS . Desperate for an advantage over the Allied forces, Hitler turns to Josef Mengele’s mad science to create hybrid soldiers. Meanwhile, 4 US soldiers who were arrested by their own army due to varying degrees of insubordination escape and find Mengele’s secret lab. The movie is a little over 90 minutes and for some reason, Jones decided to spend more than 1 hour on the introduction of the most stereotypical group of US soldiers ever and Nazi marital woes. So, meet the Fearless Four: Mad Dog Murphy, who loves killing Nazis, has a crap German accent, and thinks it’s a goo

Reading Journal: We Are the Dead

I've decided to take a break from Weird Fiction and Horror and am currently reading We Are the Dead by Mike Shackle, which is the first book in dark fantasy trilogy The Last War. There are 71 chapters and I'm now on Chapter 31, so there's still a lot to read. Warning: SPOILERS . After centuries of peace, the kingdom of Jia is conquered by their old enemies, the Egril. Some choose to keep fighting and others are just trying to stay alive, but neither choice is easy under the Egril's brutal rule. The crows, however, ferrying souls to the Great Darkness, found Kage and recognised him for who he was. In return for an eye and an ear, the crows freed Kage and he returned to the world. He found that only the Egril had kept their faith with him. Only they had rejected the false Gods. From the others peoples, he took back his gifts and left them to fend for themselves until it was time to pay for their failings. Until it was time for Sekanowari, the Last War, when the whole wor