

At The Snarky Cats of Ulthar, you can find reviews of films, TV, and books, all with various amounts of snark.

Genres - Horror, Fantasy, and a little bit of Sci-fi.

At A Goat 4 Zazzie you can find posts about:

- religious horror

- biblical snark

- Peter Thiel

- the Apocalypse

- humorous theorizing about weird stuff

At The Weird Cats of Ulthar you can find posts about Weird Fiction, Cosmic Horror, and the Cthulhu Mythos.

Here you will find posts about our creative endeavours, both as digital comic book creators and bloggers. Expect indie author woes, blogging blunders, and social media mishaps. The very optimistic title header perfectly captures our current levels of self-confidence. If you'd like to learn what we've been doing to become successful indie authors and bloggers, so you can avoid it, click on the image above or here.

Here are our social media links (the one in the middle was supposed to be the Threads icon, but that was the best we could do):

- Twitter/X

- Threads

- Bluesky

To know more about our moribund digital comic book series, An Introduction to the Fine Art of Monster Slaying, check out The Indie Cats of Ulthar, where you'll find posts about each individual book, the characters, the series as a whole, and other projects.

There's also:

- Our Books (a page with short descriptions of the books + links to Rakuten Kobo's online store)

- and, over at Google Sites, the

At the AIFAMS Wiki you can find even more information about the world of An Introduction to the Fine Art of Monster Slaying - characters, magical objects, and more!