
Showing posts from November, 2022

Clash of the Titans (2010)

The first time I tried to watch  Clash of the Titans  (2010), I stopped when the ridiculous Djinn showed up. This time, I managed to finish it, though I wish I hadn’t bothered. It was obvious this was going to suck the moment Hades was presented as the villain because some people just can’t help equating the Greek Underworld with the Christian Hell and seeing Hades as the Devil. Disney’s mangling of the Heracles myth did the same thing, and it was just as stupid. Anyway, I decided not to waste such snarkable material and wrote a review. Warning: SPOILERS . Perseus is the demigod son of Zeus who was raised by mortals. After Hades kills his mortal family, he ends up in Argos, whose rulers have been defying the gods. When the gods ask for Princess Andromeda to be sacrificed to the Kraken as punishment for her parents’ arrogance, Perseus agrees to help them. Together with some of the King’s soldiers and the assistance of cursed Io, he embarks on a dangerous journey to find a way to stop th

A Mythos Tragedy in Three Acts

We present to you a Mythos tragedy in three acts -  The Shambler from the Stars , The Haunter of the Dark , and The Shadow from the Steeple  - featuring death, ancient lore, secret cults, and madness. All leading to Humanity's DOOM! In 1935, Robert Bloch published The Shambler from the Stars , a story featuring a young writer of weird fiction looking for the right kind of inspiration. It included a character based on H P Lovecraft, a 'mystic dreamer in New England', who dies in a gory way. Bloch asked Lovecraft’s permission to kill his literary counterpart, which was granted thusly: 'This is to certify that Robert Bloch, Esq., of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, U.S.A. - reincarnation of Mijnheer Ludvig Prinn, author of De Vermis Mysteriis - is fully authorised to portray, murder, annihilate, disintegrate, transfigure, metamorphose, or otherwise manhandle the undersigned in the tale entitled The Shambler from the Stars .' The following year, Lovecraft returned the favour in 

The Silmarillion IV

 (QUENTA SILMARILLION: OF BEREN AND LÚTHIEN, OF THE FIFTH BATTLE: NIRNAETH ARNOEDIAD, OF TÚRIN TURAMBAR) We were planning to include the next chapter in this review but changed our minds. This means the next one is going to be bad for the hidden magical Elven cities. Before we go on, here are the links to the previous reviews: The Silmarillion I , The Silmarillion II , The Silmarillion III . Warning: SPOILERS. We were eagerly waiting for Chapter 19: Of Beren and Lúthien . Though this is our first time reading The Silmarillion , we had heard about this story and had high hopes for it, especially because it involved Doriath and Thingol. So, vegan warrior Beren becomes the terror of the Orcs after they kill his father and his companions. He’s so scary that the Orcs ignore Morgoth’s orders to capture him and instead run in the opposite direction of his given whereabouts. Well, that is a testament to Beren’s badassery, but it feels a bit weird that Morgoth wouldn’t have full control over hi